How to make a brilliant first impression

Job Interview

Job seeking is more challenging with an ever changing job market full of potential candidates who are both active and passive in their job hunts. When you embark on the hunt for a new job, it’s increasingly important to stand out from the crowd and be different.

Just like the world of dating, making the right impression from the very start is key to success. So here are my top tips to help you woo your next employer and land the job of your dreams:

Be Authentic:


Displaying our true character when going for a job, or in the workplace, allows you to be open and build trust with others.  Trying to be someone you are not will always get sussed, so be confident in your own skin and let your personality shine.  Being your authentic self in an interview will help you gain an advantage in the selection process.

Be Unique:


First impressions count!  Recruiters sift through countless applications, so it’s essential to showcase your best assets from the start. While relevant experience is crucial, don’t shy away from adding a personal touch. Include hobbies and interests in your application to demonstrate your personality. In the age of social media, leverage it to your advantage, but be mindful of what you share – potential employers may check your online presence.

Dress Appropriately:


Treat every meeting or networking event as a date. Dress appropriately for the occasion and research your industry – at Zonal we are informal, but if you are going into professional services, then it is likely to be more formal and you need to be prepared. 

Swipe to Like:


Just as in dating, researching your potential employer is crucial. You need to know the basics about the business and what they do. Utilise social media and company websites to understand the company culture and the people you’ll be interacting with. Displaying passion for the business, along with industry expertise, can set you apart from other candidates.

Be Honest:


Honesty is always the best policy when it comes to successful relationships – whether in your private or professional life.  Be transparent about your skills and abilities from the beginning. It’s better to be upfront about what you can and cannot do rather than facing challenges later on.

Be Keen NOT Cool:


Timing is everything. After an initial meeting or interview, don’t wait too long before following up. Thank the interviewers for their time and ask them if they have any further questions for you. Expressing your interest in the position a few days after the interview can also be good.

Don’t Be Lazy:


Initial attraction may grab attention, but you need the right credentials for a long-term, professional relationship. Getting the job is just the beginning; staying committed and consistently performing are crucial for career success. Ensure you have the skills and dedication to prove you’re an asset to the team.

In the world of careers, just like in successful relationships, building a strong foundation based on attraction and trust is essential. By following these tips you’ll increase your chances of not only landing the job of your dreams but also building a long-lasting and fulfilling professional relationship.

Good luck with your job search!

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